DESCRIPTION: Part of a small series where I use image and text together. Here the quotes of Lady Macbeth, which continue to resonate strongly today. This is my contemporary interpretation of her quote. I wanted the image to be campy and kitsch.
DESCRIPTION: An intentionally provocative pose, and I wanted a dramatic form. This was part of a series of watercolors where attention to composition was at the front of my focus. Each object plays a part in the composition, but also lends to the content of the painting.
ABOUT: Thanatos, in ancient Greek religion and mythology, is the personification of death. Thanatos was the son of Nyx, the goddess of night, and the brother of Hypnos, the god of sleep. He appeared to humans to carry them off to the underworld when their time allotted to them by the Fates had expired. My Thanatos passionately embraces the unknown. Why fear that which we have not yet encountered?
ABOUT: Gaea is the goddess of the Earth, in Greek mythology. What could be more essential than the world we inhabit. More than our environment, Earth is us. This is a theme I will be returning to frequently. What could be more important?
ABOUT: My model is a woman very much in charge of herself, and self-aware. At a more mature age, she knows herself. She wore these wonderful heavy boots to our session, so I suggested she keep them on. They express gravity, confidence, and an earthiness. The title is right for this pose, and this model.
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